Help to get into Employment/Training

man and woman handshaking
Employment Training

You can get help to gain new skills, find a job or stay in work from a range of organisations, including Job Centres, careers services and voluntary organisations.

Jobs and Benefits Offices and Job Centres

Jobs and Benefits Offices and Job Centres (at provide advice and information on all aspects of training, finding a job and employment support to help people stay in work. Services include employability and work preparation programmes for unemployed people and those with health conditions or disabilities. Programmes include Apprenticeships, Bridge to Employment pre-employment training and Steps 2 Success which is a tailored programme to build skills and meet your needs to help you into work. The offices also administer a range of benefits and financial supports.

The Careers Service & Job Searching

The Department for the Economy’s Careers Service (at provides an impartial careers advice and guidance service, throughout Northern Ireland, to help people of all ages make choices about their careers. This service is available to everyone whether they are employed, unemployed, in training or in education, including students in schools and further and higher education.

To speak to a professionally qualified adviser phone 0300 200 7820 or a webchat service (at is available lists employment opportunities across Northern Ireland.

Interested in a Career in the Health Service?

We would advise you to contact some of the organisations directly listed on this website. is the official website for Health & Social Care Jobs in N Ireland.

Need Volunteer Experience ?

We would advise you to contact the Volunteer Co-ordinator in your local Health and Social Care Trust (if you are unsure which Trust area please check attached map)

Belfast Trust Area : Volunteering (at

Northern Trust Area : Have you considered becoming a volunteer ? (at

South Eastern Trust Area : Volunteering (at

Southern Trust Area : Volunteering (at

Western Trust Area : Volunteering (at

or  arrange volunteer placements throughout Northern Ireland

Volunteer Now’s Youth Team can help you to develop appropriate roles, promote opportunities and provide training to support your work.

Millennium Volunteers also recognises the sustained volunteering commitment of young people through providing 50, 100 and 200 hour certificates.

The programme is a great way to recognise and celebrate your volunteers and encourage their commitment to your organisation.

To find out more email or ring 028 9023 2020

Useful Related Information

Working Parents - Financial Assistance with Childcare Costs (at provides useful information about Financial Assistance with childcare costs.

Employers For Childcare offer free advice to working parents about financial assistance for childcare and personalised advice and guidance to ensure you and your family is getting the financial support you are entitled to.

HMRC Childcare Choices (at is the government website that shows the different types of help there is available towards your childcare costs (not all available in Northern Ireland).

Financial help if you have children(at lists the different benefits you may be able to claim depending on your circumstances

Childcare Costs Calculator  (at is an online calculator which will work out how much money you could get towards registered or approved childcare

Maternity Action 0808 802 0029 provides online information and telephone advice on maternity and parental rights at work, maternity pay, benefits and breastfeeding rights.

Adviser Discretion Fund (ADF)

If you are unemployed and facing financial barriers to starting or returning to work or if you’re in employment or self-employment and also face financial difficulties, your local Jobs and Benefits office may be able to help you through the Adviser Discretion Fund (ADF) (at

Related Documents

Health and Social Care Trust Areas

Last Updated: 19/01/2024