Working Parents - Financial Assistance with Childcare Costs

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Northern Ireland Childcare Support Scheme (NICSS)

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Cancer Support Services


Worried about the welfare of a child?

If you are worried about the welfare of a child or young person not already known to social services, please contact your gateway team in your local Health and Social Care Trust.

Are YOU worried or in despair?

Please call lifeline. Lifeline is the Northern Ireland crisis response helpline service for people who are experiencing distress or despair.

Child sexual exploitation in N Ireland

If you're concerned about child sexual exploitation or want more information, you can contact a 24-hour helpline to get confidential advice and support:

Telephone number: 0800 389 1701

Visit NIDirect for more: Child sexual exploitation – protecting children and young people

Site safe

All organisations on this website have declared to the Health and Social Care Board (HSCB) that they have clear policy and procedures for safeguarding children.