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The Healthy Start Scheme enables eligible pregnant women and families with children under the age of four who meet the qualifying criteria to claim pre-loaded Healthy Start cards that can be used to purchase milk, fruit and vegetables or infant formula milk. In addition to the pre-paid card, those entitled to the Scheme may also avail of free vitamins.
Last Update: 12/02/2025
Many working parents are not claiming government financial assistance with childcare costs e.g. Tax Free Childcare, Universal Credit, Working Tax Credit which will support them to remain in work. Most working families are eligible ...
We need your help ! We are presently auditing content within our Family Support Directory of Services to ensure information remains useful and up-to date on Family Support NI Please take a few minutes to respond to our email
The Northern Ireland Childcare Subsidy Scheme (NICSS) is one of the measures announced as part of Early Learning and Childcare Strategy announced by the Minister for Education in May 2024.
We are constantly looking at ways to improve information on this website. This brief survey is designed to gather your feedback
Family Support NI with the Department of Health and Cancer Charities Coalition hosts information about services available for people living with cancer, their families, and carers.