Task and Finish Groups

The Childcare Partnerships use Task and Finish Groups to progress specific pieces of work

The Childcare Partnerships use Task and Finish Groups to progress specific pieces of work in year, for example:

1. Supporting the inclusion of children who have a disability/additional needs in mainstream childcare facilities

2. Addressing training and workforce issues

3. The assessment of Grant applications including the School Age Childcare Grant Scheme, Holiday Grant Scheme, Fair Play Grant Scheme

Membership will include representatives from each of the 5 Childcare Partnerships with an interest in specific pieces of work (to include a regional spread across the statutory, voluntary, community, private and independent sectors, membership agencies, providers of further and higher education, training organisations, disability, BME, Education and the Trust Early Years teams). Groups may co-opt up to four others with additional expertise as and when required.

Last Updated: 21/03/2023