Centre for Independent Living NI, which was set up in 2001 as Centre for Independent Living- Belfast, is an organisation run by disabled people for disabled people. We work to promote the principles of independent living and, in particular, to provide a range of services for people using or considering using Direct Payments and/or Self-Directed Support.
Our vision is to create a world where disability is not a disadvantage, as envisaged by the social model of disability. CILNI’s board is made up entirely of disabled people who throughout their working lives have accumulated a wealth of knowledge of government administration, health and social care, governance of voluntary organisations and business. Through regular board meetings, the board is actively involved in overseeing the governance and financial direction of the organisation. In addition board members help to promote CILNI’s work to key audiences and represent the charity at events.
Our Mission is to deliver a range of quality services, which meet the needs of disabled people in Northern Ireland.
Our Strategy
Connecting - We will connect disabled people to each other and with other people.
Promoting - We will promote CILNI through listening and providing opportunities for disabled people to be heard.
Informing - We will use personal experience to help inform and influence government policy.
Providing - We will ensure CILNI services are appropriate and of a high quality.
Strengthening - We will expand CILNI membership through recruiting new members and retaining existing members.
CILNI Advice Service, Opening Times: Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm.