Free School Meals / Uniform Grants

school children sitting at their desks in classroom

Check if you are eligible for Free School Meals / School Uniform Allowance for your child or children

The Education Authority (EA) for Northern Ireland is responsible for assessing eligibility for Free School Meals and School Uniform Allowances based on Department of Education (DE) / Department for the Economy (DfE) criteria.

For more information on Eligibility and Applying select the relevant Guide below:

Any enquiries to the Education Authority Meals and Uniform service can be directed to the relevant office:

Armagh:    028 3751 2523

Ballymena: 028 2566 1355

Belfast: 028 9056 4000

Dundonald: 028 9056 6200

Omagh: 028 8241 1496

Last Updated: 16/09/2022