Play Matters to everyone and as part of this project the Department of Education have launched a Play Messaging Campaign. Find fun activities, play ideas and information.
All children and young people need to play. Play is an integral and fundamental aspect of childhood and is essential in contributing to the healthy development, and well-being of individuals and communities. Through play children explore, imagine and make sense of the world around them, from birth right through to teenage years.
The Play Matters campaign is aimed at promoting the value and importance of play and leisure for children and young people amongst parents, professionals, communities and indeed, society as a whole.
If you are a parent or professional and would like more information or would like more detail on the full Play and Leisure project (including Play Shaper and Play for Parents programmes) please contact Angela Stallard at or Pamela Baxter at or call 028 91279203.
Play Matters NI Direct
Nurturing your child's mental health through play
Hanging out - older children at play
Playing with stuff around the home