Services listed here provide help and advice on general health and well-being, including Allied Health Professionals (AHPs), Therapeutic Services, Cancer support, Health Promotion etc.
If you are looking for contact details for Allied Health Professionals (AHPs), you should type Speech and Language Therapy, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy or Dietetics into the Keyword Search. Results can then be narrowed by Postcode area.
Can be found by Keyword Search 'Breastfeeding' :-
Search Results for 'Breastfeeding'
These search results are for all of Northern Ireland - you can select your area using the options on the left of the screen. Or you can filter these search results by inputting your (full) postcode in the search ribbon - indicate within 1/5/10 miles.
Cancer Support
Can be found by Keyword Search : Cancer :-
These search results are for all of Northern Ireland - you can select your area using the options on the left of the screen. Or you can filter these search results by inputting your (full) postcode in the search ribbon - indicate within 1/5/10 miles.
Arthritis Care NI 028 9078 2940
provide support and information services to all young people with arthritis and their families
Cancer Lifeline 028 9035 1999
Cancer Lifeline offers a range of Cancer support services targeted at adults aged 18 years +
Epilepsy Action NI 07885 778 585
Epilepsy Action NI for information / support about epilepsy. Trained advisers are available if you would like to talk to someone.
Family Planning Assocation (F.P.A.) NI 0345 122 8687
for advice about sexual health and information about contraception and sexual health clinics.
Lifeline 0808 808 8000
Lifeline is the Regional Northern Ireland crisis response helpline service for people who are experiencing crisis
Meningitis Now 0808 80 10 388
aims to help families who have an experience of meningitis
Positive Life NI 0800 137 437
Helpline supports and promotes positive living for people with and affected by HIV in Northern Ireland.
Health and Social Care Trust Areas