The Education Authority (EA) is a non-departmental body sponsored by the Department of Education. EA is responsible for ensuring that efficient and effective primary and secondary education services are available to meet the needs of children and young people, and support for the provision of efficient and effective youth services.
Education Authority NI The Education Authority (EA) manages the procedures for the enrolment of children in pre-school (age 2-4 years), primary school (age 4-11 years) and post primary school (age 11-18 years). Each year staff assist parents and schools in enrolling approximately 70,000 children into various types of educational settings within the age ranges.
You need to contact the Education Authority directly to:-
Apply for a School Place or Transfer Between Schools
Apply for Free School Meals/School Uniform/Physical Education Clothing Allowance
Dispute Avoidance and Resolution Service (DARS)
Dispute Avoidance and Resolution Service (DARS)
Disagreements sometimes arise between a parent/guardian and either a school or the Education Authority in relation to the Special Educational Provision being made for a child or young person. If initial attempts to resolve such disagreements have not been successful, it may be appropriate to make a referral to the DARS. The purpose of the service is to provide, within an independent, confidential and informal forum, further opportunities through which disagreements may be more fully addressed.
The Independent Counselling Service for Schools (ICSS)
It is recognised that young people from time to time may need emotional support beyond that which is provided within the pastoral care systems in school. Also young people can find it helpful to talk to someone who is outside of their everyday school experience and this is when counselling can be beneficial.
RISE NI will enable staff from the health and social care and education sectors to work closely together to help children access learning and enhance their development to reach their full potential.
Out of School Provision
Out of School Provision is listed along with other Registered Childcare Provision on this website - on the Childcare Section
ASD - Support Across the Lifespan
ASD Six Steps of Autism Care Pathway Report
ASD Six Steps of Autism Leaflet
EA Special Educational Needs - Guidance for Parents and Guardians
EA Supporting Young Carers In Schools Booklet
Health and Social Care Trust Areas