Please see below the Policy Framework in which Childcare Providers Work
Children First’ (1999)
The Northern Ireland Childcare Strategy was developed as part of the Government’s commitment to supporting children and their families. This strategy set out the Government’s proposals to increase the quantity and improve the quality of affordable childcare for children up to the age of 14 in Northern Ireland.
Children-First-Policy-Statement-1999.pdf (
DOH: Families Matter: Supporting Families in Northern Ireland - Regional Family and Parenting Strategy March 2009
Families Matter: Supporting Families in Northern Ireland - Regional Family and Parenting Strategy -March 2009 (
DE: Bright Start was published in September 2013 as a strategic framework aimed at working towards an affordable and integrated Northern Ireland Childcare Strategy.
In October 2013 Bright Start – the Northern Ireland Executives Programme for Affordable and Integrated Childcare /Strategic Framework and Key First Actions was published. You can access the document via the link below:
Bright Start - A Strategic Framework and Key First Actions
DE: Learning to Learn
Learning to Learn – A Framework for Early Years Education and Learning was published in October 2013. The Learning to Learn framework provides a clear policy focus for the Department of Education and the Education Authority, where the investment in early years education and learning provision is directly linked to supporting high quality services, across a range of providers, to deliver better outcomes for children and their families. It also provides a framework for enhanced coordination and collaboration across departments and agencies.
Learning to Learn - A Framework for Early Years Education and Learning - October 2013
NI Executive Delivering Social Change
Delivering Social Change - Introduction | The Executive Office (
The Delivering Social Change framework was set up by the Northern Ireland Executive to tackle poverty and social exclusion. It represents a new level of joined-up working by Ministers and senior officials across Executive departments to drive through initiatives
Delivering Social Change - Introduction
Delivering Social Change - Signature Programmes
NI Executive Programme for Government
The Programme for Government (PfG) has a number of strategic outcomes, one of which Outcome 12 is that ‘we give our children the best start in life’.
This is to be achieved through the implementation of the Children and Young People’s Strategy. The eight outcomes in the Children and Young People’s Strategy mirror the PfG outcomes, however, they are described in terms of the particular needs of children.
Executive’s Children and Young People’s Strategy 2020-2030
The Executive’s Children and Young People’s Strategy 2020-2030 supersedes the Cross- departmental Children and Young People’s Strategy 2019-2029. This sets out the framework for progressing children’s issues. The Strategy is designed to provide an overarching holistic structure to drive forward and monitor how departments are progressing the eight outcomes to improve the well-being of children and young people. Further information is available on the Department's website at Children and Young People’s Strategy 2020-2030.
DE: Play Matters
Play and leisure policy - The right to play and leisure is an intrinsic entitlement of childhood (Article 31, UNCRC). Play is a natural and universal drive in childhood. It is an essential element and contributory factor to supporting children’s physical and emotional well-being, growth, learning and development. Play can support children’s creativity and cultural awareness. Play can be structured, non-structured, formal and non–formal. Through play children explore the world around them and learn to take responsibility for their own choices.
Play Matters | Department of Education (
Department for Economy: Skills for a 10x Economy - Skills Strategy for Northern Ireland
‘Skills for a 10x Economy’ sets a strategic framework for the development of our skills system to 2030.
Skills for a 10x economy - Skills Strategy for Northern Ireland
Minimum Standards Full Version
Implementation Guidance Childminders
Implementation Guidance Groups