Contact Information
- Address
- Contact Person
- Telephone Number
- 028 9099 6819
- Email Address
- Web Address
Visit Website
- Facebook
Visit Facebook page
Additional Information
GenderJam NI is a social support and advocacy organisation for young transgender, gender variant, questioning and intersex people in Northern Ireland. We bring young trans people together at social get-togethers to build friendships, and advocate on young trans people's behalf at schools, universities and healthcare providers to ensure we have equal access to the benefits of society.
If you're a young trans, gender variant, questioning and/or intersex person, we'd love you to come along sometime! If you're supporting a young trans person, we'd love to hear from you if you need help or advice.
- Available to Age Groups
< 25yrs
- Category of Services
- Areas covered
- Method of Access (Referral)
- GP
- School
- Self
- Social Worker