Our service operating hours currently are:
Service Information:
Lenadoon Counselling Service provides one to one counselling services to adults and young people from age 16yrs old in a community setting. Counselling sessions take place on a weekly basis by appointment after an initial assessment is carried out by one of our senior counsellors. Sessions offered are based on individual needs and are contracted in blocks of 6. Where additional need is identified consultation can take place to facilitate further sessions if appropriate.
Weekend crisis Intervention Service:
This service operates on every Saturday and Sunday throughout the year including holiday periods. Telephone support and/or face to face appointments can be arranged between 12pm and 4pm. This is a brief intervention service aimed at de-escalating risk and supporting safe keeping measures for individuals in crisis.
Referral route:
Individuals can self-refer to the service by calling us on 02890 600641 We also receive referrals via established service level agreements with the Belfast Trust and The Public Health Agency.
Asist Programme:
Lenadoon Counselling Service offer the Asist Suicide Intervention Training on two occasions each year, usually around February and October. The training is open to all and if you wish to be enrolled for the course, please contact the service at 02890 600641.