Services offered include:
- 1:1 child therapy/ counselling
- Parent – child support
- Training workshops for professionals working with children.
Play and Creative Art Therapy is beneficial to-
- Children who have a family member with a disability;
- Children who are dealing with issues of loss, such as illness or death of a loved one;
- Children who are dealing with parental conflict, separation or divorce;
- Children who are dealing with self-esteem issues;
- Children who have been traumatised;
- Children who have been adopted or are in foster care;
- Children who have been hospitalised;
- Children who have witnessed domestic violence;
- Children who have experienced serious accidents or disasters;
- Children with various disabilities such as Attention Deficit Disorder, Autism, Physical disabilities.
- Play & Creative Art Therapy helps by-
- Providing your child with emotional support to improve their mental health and well being.
- It can help them make sense of life experiences by playing them out at their own pace.
- By allowing your child to make sense and understand their feelings it will in turn help them cope with the future.
- It can help your child to deal with conflict/angry feelings in more appropriate ways.
- Play therapy can help you the parent/carer to understand your child’s world
- The hope at the end of therapy might include some of the following-a change in the worrying behaviour, improved self-esteem and confidence and stronger relationships with family and friends.