Working in partnership with parents and schools The school nursing service promotes the physical, emotional and mental wellbeing of all children and young people during their time at school. The service aims to identify health and developmental issues and enable appropriate action to be taken. When your child reaches school age, your child’s records are automatically transferred from the Health Visiting service to the School Nursing service. Universal services offered by the school nursing service:
Primary 1 – Parents are invited to attend the Year 1 Health Appraisal, which include Health screening, TB risk assessment and an opportunity to discuss any health needs or concerns.
Primary 1-7 – All children will be offered the Fluenza immunisation and with consent will be administered within the school
Year 8 – pupils are invited to attend for health appraisal, which includes: height and weight assessment; and, TB risk assessment.
Year 9 – Human Papillomavirus (HPV) immunisation This vaccine is available to boys since September 2019.
Year 11 – Polio, low dose Diphtheria and Tetanus booster immunisation, Meningitis ACWY. Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) immunisation,
Year 8 - 12 - All young people will be offered the Fluenza immunisation and with consent will be administered within the school
If required The School Nursing Service will also offer advice and support on a number of issues to include: safeguarding children; emotional wellbeing; bedwetting; management of long-term medical conditions such as asthma, epilepsy, diabetes and allergies; keeping safe; maintaining Health and Development.
Method of Access (Referral) can also be by person with parental responsibility