
Belfast Central Mission (BCM) - Therapeutic Counselling (Newtownards)

Contact Information

Lamont Building, 8-12 West Street, Newtownards, Co Down, BT23 4EN
Contact Person
Alison Hogg
Telephone Number
Email Address
Web Address
Visit Website

Additional Information

This service, based at Newtownards, was set up in November 2003, and is provided to young people 16-25 yrs in North Down. There is a private counselling room in the office in West Street, Newtownards where the counsellor can meet with each young person. This can be on a weekly or fortnightly basis for an hour and for as long as the young person needs or wants the service. Consultation with other professionals working directly with the young people is also available. The young people with whom the service has worked to date come with complex needs and concerns including depression, anxiety, family, relationship problems, homelessness, disability, anger, leaving care, abuse, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts and feelings. For further information please contact Alison Hogg (Senior Counsellor) E-Mail: 

We offer a hybrid model offering sessions via zoom video, telephone or face to face according to the needs of the young person. An initial appointment is carried out in person at the West St office and ongoing sessions are delivered either face-to-face or by telephone/video to make them accessible to a range of young people in different situations.

Available to Age Groups
16-25 yrs
Category of Services
  • Adoption Fostering & Looked After Children
  • Counselling
Areas covered
  • Ards
  • North Down
Method of Access (Referral)
  • GP
  • Health Visitor
  • Self
  • Social Worker

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