About Us

The Department of Health for Northern Ireland, has developed the Northern Ireland Family Support website. The purpose of this website is to create a comprehensive database of family support and REGISTERED childcare services across Northern Ireland.

The site was developed in 2009 as one of the recommendations of the DHSSPS’ Families Matter Strategy. ‘Transforming Your Care’, a review of health and social care in Northern Ireland also recognised the importance of the website as an information and signposting resource for families, communities and professionals.

In 2013, a new childcare-specific search was developed as one of the Key Actions of Bright Start, the NI Executive’s programme for affordable and integrated childcare.

Who is the website aimed at?

1. Members of the public wishing to access a specific family support service, help or advice.

2. Parents looking to access information on registered childcare and related financial support.

3. Frontline staff to help them get up to date information on the location of family support services.

4. Organisations/Partnerships can use it as a planning tool that can be linked to outcomes for children and young people.

How do I include my organisation on the website?

The Family Support Website aims to be a comprehensive database of all family support and childcare services in Northern Ireland. If your organisation is not listed, please contact us using the telephone number or e-mail address below:

Telephone 0845 600 6483 or e-mail info@familysupportni.gov.uk.

How do I keep my information up to date?

All service providers will receive a letter/email/text periodically allowing them to update/amend their profile.

If you need to notify us of any changes to your details, please contact us using the details above.

Last Updated: 20/05/2024