What is a Child Contact Centre?
It is a safe, friendly and neutral place where children of separated families can spend time with one or both parents and sometimes other family members. As a child-centred environment we aim to do all we can to make it easier for you and the children. The centre is open to all regardless of race or religion.
Who will be there?
The centre is staffed by trained, impartial volunteers who have been police checked. The volunteers are there to welcome you, provide a comfortable atmosphere and to run a refreshments bar. They are there to assist you in any way and to make it easier for your child to meet or leave you. There is a wide range of toys and games for all ages.
Do I have to meet my ex-partner?
Not if you don't want to. However, we ask that the adult bringing the child must wait until the other adult has arrived. If necessary, you may stay in a separate room in the centre until the visit is finished.
How do I make use of it?
You can contact the centre directly by telephone or by referral through social workers, solicitors or the court. We will then arrange for you to visit the centre and discuss how it will work for you.
Does it cost anything?
There is no payment for using the centre. Donations will be welcome. Drinks are available, and you may also buy items at the refreshments bar.
Are there any rules?
- Just a few:
Please contact us if you have any queries
Times : Saturday 10am to 12 pm